Trinity Church Commitment Form

Please fill out this form and click submit.
Trinity Family,

We are so excited that you are taking the time to fill out our annual Commitment Form! This ministry form helps our church leaders in several ways:

1) It allows us to know & serve the people God has entrusted us,
2) It allows us to equip you for ministry and, 
3) It allows us to grow together in believing in Jesus, loving one another like Jesus, and serving the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I thank you in advance for filling out the form and sharing with us how the Lord our God has uniquely made you in His Image to go out and make disciples like Jesus!

At the end of this form is a section on membership at Trinity. You do not have to become a member to fill out this form! So, whether you are interested or not, we are thankful to God for how we can serve you. 

God Bless,
Pastor Ryan
Ministry Information

Spiritual gifts are supernaturally given by the Holy Spirit to each believer. Every believer has been given on or more gifts for the building up of the Church. Please ask our Pastors about spiritual gifts if you need more information.
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Please select all that apply.
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Please select all that apply.
Ministry Involvement

Below are some of the ministries that many of our people are already involved in. Please indicate if you are currently involved, interested, or have a new ministry idea. 
Children's Ministry
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Youth Ministry
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Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Adult Ministry
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Please select one option.
Interested in membership at Trinity?

Membership is a public statement of belief signifying one's agreement with what the church believes and values. Specifically for a local church, there are a number of reasons why a Christian should be involved and join the membership. 

Jesus often spoke of the importance of being identified with Him as His disciple. Church membership can be part of that process. To be active in the local church is a reflection of being a member of the universal Body of Christ. It is quite easy to attend services and events at a church and just be a reciepent. However, your spiritual growth, fellowship with Christians, accountability, and giving are imperative for your walk with Christ. 

Membership clarifies the primary group of people for whom the church is most responsible when it comes to care and concern. Those who are members are also more accountable to care for each other. A member not only enjoys blessings and benefits, but also accepts the responsibility for helping to fulfill the vision and ministries of the church. 

New members need to be involved in the church, such as serving in the programs, attending faithfully, praying, caring for others, participating in congregational meetings, giving financial support and making oneself available for leadership and discipleship. 
Please select all that apply.
Need More Information?

We are concerned with ministering to everyone the Lord brings our way. Please complete this form even if you are not ready to commit as a member. We want to know you better & assist your growth & ministry in every way we can. Thank you!
Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form and click submit.